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February 2012 Events at Fosse House

The February 2012 events schedule for Fosse House is now available:

1st February - The Pauline May clothing sale will be taking place in the Sun Lounge.  7th February - Live music entertainer Joe Vaughn will be visiting the home to entertain residents and staff. This event is due to start at 11:00am. 14th February - Fosse House will be holding a Valentines Day celebration. Each resident will receive a valentines card and a silk red rose from the staff and, at lunch time, the dining room tables will be decorated with themed table cloths and flowers. Live entertainer, Henry Webster, will be coming in to sing a selection of classic love songs. 16th February - Fosse House will hold its monthly resident's meeting. 26th February - Sunday morning church service by Melanie. In the Sun Lounge at 11:30am. Mondays - Residents and staff will hold their usual sing-a-long session. The home has a selection of old 78s and a gramophone to add to the occasion. Tuesdays - The regular resident trip out to the local supermarket. Flower arranging in the Sun Lounge. Wednesdays - A group of residents and staff will be visiting the town to walk around the local market and to visit the Hatfield Road St. Albans Museum. Everyone will then head back home for their afternoon tea and cakes. Thursdays - The Fosse House minibus trip to local garden centres, the St Albans Waffle House, the museum, the lakes and any other destination requested by residents. Fridays - The Fosse House BIG NEWS weekly catch up. Saturdays - Either a trip into town to visit the market or a reminiscence day. Sundays - Feature film day - pop corn, fizz and ice cream.
For more information on any of these events please contact the home directly on 01727 819700.