Visitors are always warmly welcomed at a Quantum home.
If you are visiting a person living with dementia, it can sometimes be a difficult experience. Please talk to the home manager or one of the senior team if you need any support with visiting.
Here are some ideas to help you to make the most of your visits with your relative or friend, particularly those with dementia:
- Enjoy a walk, read, play music or enjoy a meal together.
- Bring favourite foods or sweets for the person to enjoy.
- Compile a memory book of past events – newspaper cuttings, photographs (particularly of special occasions) and reminisce together.
- Show picture books of previous hobbies or jobs, e.g. gardens, flowers, buildings, trains, paintings.
- Read out letters from family and friends.
- Take a good friend to help share conversation.
- Celebrate special events such as birthdays by taking a cake.
- When the conversation becomes difficult, gently massage the person's hands.
- Smile: kindness, humour and creativity are essential parts of caregiving. Hugs and other gentle physical contact will help your loved one feel connected and loved.
- Think Positive - focus on remaining strengths and enjoy your relationship.