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Scott Mitchell Joins Mountbatten Lodge for Dementia Talk

Scott Mitchell with Beth and Emily

Scott spoke very fondly of his time with late wife Dame Barbara Windsor who he spent 27 very happy years with. Scott spoke openly about their experience as a couple when Barbara was first diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and how together they worked tirelessly to fundraise, raise awareness and talk about Dementia and how important it is to fight to find a cure for the disease.

Scott’s personal experiences touched the hearts of staff, residents and family members as they could closely relate to the feelings he felt and Barbara felt whilst they travelled through their journey of diagnosis and living with Alzheimer’s and all that comes along with that.

Scott finished by telling everybody about the amazing work that is currently taking place with the Dame Barbara Windsor Dementia Mission which was launched in 2022. The Mission aims to speed up the development of new treatments for dementia and neurodegenerative conditions.

Following Scott’s talk, Quantum Care’s Learning and Development Manager Jo Reid and Leigh Thompson our Rhythm of Life Co-Ordinator led an informative session about Dementia, the brain and how it affects those who are living with the disease.

Huge thanks go to Scott, Jo and Leigh for generously giving up their time to help others to understand the journey that living with dementia presents.